EMDR Intensives

EMDR Intensives is a scheduling format for therapy that allows you to access the help you need without burdening your...
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EMDR Adjunct

Achieving a healthier mental state and overcoming symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, and other disorders is complicated work.  Many...
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Interested in learning more about EMDR? Here are some EMDR FAQs that may help you better understand what it is...
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Meet Cynthia

Meet Cynthia

Cynthia Levesque

I specialize in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. Since EMDR became an integral part of my clinical practice, I have witnessed some of the most incredible and transformational results. This powerful therapeutic method helps clients break through some of their most deeply rooted or long-held beliefs, blocks, traumas, and challenges.
Read More about Cynthia Levesque LMHC, LPC, CADC III

Therapuetic Hours

You choose how you structure your time to fit your schedule.

Intensive Format Examples:

  • 3 hrs 2x/month sessions for 3 months
  • 3 x 5hr days within 1 week

Adjunct Format Examples:

  • Intensive structure
  • Alternating biweekly with a primary therapist